The danger of the animals in Australia
The animals in Australia can be very dangerous and deadly whether they are in the sea or on the ground. On the surface, humans can encounter deadly animals, such as snakes, but they can also encounter the same deadly animals in the water, as the species are more diversified.

Dangers of ground animals
There are very dangerous animals on the surface that can be deadly for humans. One of the deadliest animals in Australia is the brown snake. This specie is responsible for the most snake bite fatalities of any Australian snake genus.
The size of the brown snake is slightly more than one metre (3.2 feet) in length, it's a very nervy snake, and so if you come close they can strike out and bite you quickly.
According to the Australian Museum, the eastern brown snake's bite can initially be painless and difficult to detect. That's a problem, because if bitten, you'll need medical attention straight away. Its venom can result in eventual paralysis and uncontrollable bleeding.
The funnel web spider bite can be deadly for humans.
Most of Sydney's north shore suburbs are built on the main population area of the Sydney funnel web. Since 1927, 14 deaths from the spider have been recorded. It's only the male bite that has proved fatal, however.
Direct UV light will kill a funnel web, so the spiders need somewhere to hide during the day and have been known to consider a shoe a perfectly adequate location. More commonly, the spider’s builds burrows under something like a pile of bricks or a log.
The venom of a Sydney funnel web can cause death, as it contains a neurotoxin component that affects the nervous system. The bite is very painful, and symptoms include sweating, tingling and muscle spasms.
Dangers of the sea water animals
Highly dangerous, the box jellyfish is usually found in northern Australia during the warmer months exactly when you want to swim.
They're called box jellyfish because their bell the top of the jellyfish has four corners, as well as clusters of trailing, stinging tentacles that can stretch more than two metres (6.4 feet).
Human encounters occur most often when the box jellyfish comes close to shore to breed in estuaries. If you're in the murky water and brush against one, you can easily be stung.
How to know if it's got you: A box jellyfish sting can be unbelievably painful.
The venom is designed to paralyse fish, so it immobilises your nerves and affects breathing and movement. A large dose can cause cardiac arrest and death within minutes.
The Bull Shark is found worldwide in coastal waters, you're most likely to come across the bull shark in estuaries, harbours and rivers. It’s a very good scavenger, as well as a predator, so you certainly don't want to be swimming near any dead whale carcasses. It's probably responsible for most of the dogs that go missing from the water, he added.
In Australia there are a lot of dangerous animals that are or living on the surface or in the water.
Those animals are very dangerous for humans they can kill humans with their venom etc…
Australia is reputed for their dangerous and diverse animals.