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Classroom Updates in Lycée Condorcet

What we have been promised for around five months is finally here!

Photo took from the Lycée Condorcet Website.

The new school extension rooms have been opened for use at the beginning of the new year. Highschool students can now benefit of exam rooms with air-conditioned in summer and heat in winter. We have tried them last week for our first DST of 2017, and I will tell you, it changes everything. It is much more pleasant than the old-fashioned classrooms with only fans for refreshment. Air conditioned classrooms really help for the concentration and to minimize the stress of the exams. In conclusion, the new classes are definitely worth a try for an hour of permanence or even for a DST.

Jules L.


The training of a boxer as the goal to push himself to the limit of his body resistance. Series of stick hitting, dodging and repetition of shadow boxing are one of the main part of the “hard training”. In a second attempt, the fighter just have to practise his speed and agility, he does not have to be predictable by his opponent and close enough to move around without being touched .


2/ Boxing business

The richest sportsmen who ever lived is a boxer (Floyd Mayweather, 75 millions). Although, boxing became more than just a fight between two trained fighters. It is also a international event that is watch by millions of peoples on TV. It includes a lot of money for both of the fighters, with thousands of bets on the prediction of the fight. In every categories (welterweight, lightweight, heavyweight), there are titles that every fighters are trained for, and those titles bring the fighter to the top of his division.

PA Dubois 

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